How to select Domain name registrar and Hosting provider?

In this article, I am going to describe you about domain name and hosting. I guess all we know about Domain. Almost all the students having science background knows well about Domain. In mathematics, there is a part called Domain and Range.  You may have the question how anyone could buy domain where Domain is a mathematical term. Don’t know what are you thinking about Domain. But I had this feeling when I heard I will need to buy a domain to start a website.
Actually, you do not need to buy any domain rather you have to register a domain name for your website. It’s not domain its domain name.

To learn about domain name you must know about hosting. Actually hosting is a kind of service where you will be able to keep your websites data(i.e. programs, files, pictures, etc.). From first to last all your data could be stored on your hosting. Simply to say hosting is like a hard disk where everything of your website’s data could be stored. And you must need a hosting server to run a website.

After purchasing a hosting server you will be given an IP address. You can access your website from anywhere in the world using this IP address. Anyone from anywhere in the world could access your website using that IP address. It could be like (x=0-9) format. Suppose your website’s IP address is and being the owner you could easily remember your server’s IP address. But for a user, is this really easier to memorize it? Or how long will it be stored in his brain?

To solve this problem you must register a domain name. Assuming that, you have registered a domain name like then you can point your domain to your IP address. And your users will type on their internet browser and they will be redirected to your IP address automatically.   Now it’s easier to your user’s to remember your website’s address.

So, we can say Domain name is a kind of public address which is pointed to your hosting’s server IP.

Now let’s see how to register a domain name and buy a hosting.

Domain Name

There are lots of domain name registrars where you can register your domain name. At the first time, you have to count few dollars to registration your domain name and you must pay a yearly renewal fee. You can register your domain names from 1$-20$ but before registering your domain name check and double check the yearly renewal fees. Some registrar offers domain name registration at 1$ but they charge about 20$ after two or three years as renewal fees.  And some registrar offers 7-10$ and the renewal fees are same. You may ask me from where I registered my websites domain name. And the answer is


Hosting is the most important for a website. Google bot likes faster pages load and hence ranks fast websites higher in the search result. If you have a long plan with your website/blog then I will suggest buying a hosting with faster server speed which you ensure you 99.99% up-time. Keep in mind that you will have to pay some extra money to buy a speedy hosting. There are lots of Hosting providers that offers hosting starting from 1$ to 1000$ per month. Price depends on the speed of the server, IP address of the server, Dedicated IP or Shared IP, monthly Bandwidth limit, storage capacity and lot more.  Depending on your needs you may select the best hosting provider. Try to avoid buying cheap server that remains down maximum time over the month.

If you need any further help regarding domain name registration or hosting then feel free to comment below. I will try my level best to help you.

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