Bill Gates 10 Law of Success.

In last 22 years whose name came 17th times in Forbes Magazine as the richest man in the World is WILLIAM BILL GATES. Bill Gates was continuously the richest man of the world for 13 years. He has created the Tech giant organization Microsoft.  Mr. Gates has been recognized as the pioneer of Personal Computer. He is known as the second generous Human from the United States who has donated more than 28 billion Dollars among different charitable trusts and for different scientific research.
Today’s content is going to be dedicated to BILL GATES.
Let’s see Bill Gates 10 law of success

  1. Mentally you must be strong and confident:  Today Microsoft has billions of Dollars. But the story of the initial time of Microsoft wasn’t same as today.
    William Bill Gates started Microsoft with some of his friends and always he was worried about the payment of all his stuff. He became tensed thinking of the compensation for payment, how he will manage them. Mr Gates was so much crazy about his business even he wasn’t aware that he has taken a big risk. He started his business with self-confidence and faith on his skills. Bill Gates thinks that he must have strong mentality who wants to be a businessman. They should train their brain to forget about rest and leisure as well as do hard work . Microsoft has waited near about 3 – 4 years to have normal earnings.
  2. Extreme situations are good for Future: Becoming a student of worlds famous educational institute Harvard University he was not serious about his study. He used to spend almost all his time with the computer. As expected, he failed in the exam and had recorded his name among one of the dropped out student’s list. He talked to his parents and told he wants to do something else with the computer and his family appreciated him.After 33 years, in 2007 he got and Honors Degree from Harvard University. That day, in his speech he said that “He is the best of those who failed”. This is why Bill Gates think that facing extreme situations are good for future.
    For all my Readers here is the full speech of Bill Gates in Harvard Commencement address 2007.

  1. Do hard work: At the initial stage of Microsoft, Bill Gates worked even on official holidays. That time he took only two weeks leave in a year and used them by reading books and making the future plan of his Microsoft. Each and every Established organization has hard working’s story.
  2. Think about the Future: Always try to focus on your present and think about the upcoming change in future. Bring variations and update your business. Bring new and newer techniques and ideas. He served many big organizations with Microsoft operating system that time. That time there were no competitors of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel etc. in the market.
  3. Enjoy Yourself: You must enjoy your work. According to Bill Gates thinking, working with smart peoples, thinking about success and facing new problems are interesting. If you can’t enjoy your work you won’t be able to love your work. You will be successful  if you love your work and do it passionately. So, love your work and try to do something new.
  4. Play Card: Bill Gates loves to play cards. Playing card has few good aspects, it helps you to think. Those who are good in Breeze are also good in other work too.
  5. Ask suggestion from others: To take any kind of commercial decision talk to others for their opinion and suggestions. About taking suggestions from others he said “I talked to my father. I talked to Warren Buffett. Each and every one will give you some new information.
  6. Appoint skilled and trusted manpower: Try to appoint themselves whom you can rely on. Do not appoint them who have visions totally dissimilar to you. Always select the person with having similar visions like you. You will get then the optimal output from your manpower. While recruiting worker or stuff, you must find out the applicant who is hardworking, honest, and skilled enough.
  7. Don’t be a lazy Rabbit:
    “When I was in the college, to attend classes or exams I used to wait till the last hour and then start to hurry. But the scenario became change; I became an active human while I starting my business.”Never left your un-finished work for tomorrow. Whenever you do something, do it properly and maintain punctuality.
  1. Enjoy yourself: Your life will likely be a hell unless you find happiness in it. In reverse, everything will be easier if you find your life happier. So try to make your humor alive. Cling with your work, do work with a fresh mentality and you will be succeeded.


This was the Bill Gates 10 law of success. Bill Gates never chased the success he just did the work what he loved to do and this is why he became successful today. Guys, try to feel the sounds of your heart. Do that work in which you will be the number 1.

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