7 Best WordPress Cache Plugin for all types of Website

Use the best WordPress cache plugin to increase your website’s page load speed. Because faster page load speed helps you to go higher in search engine ranking. Google’s search engine is prioritizing website’s having faster page load speed for search engine ranking.
Basically faster page load speed depends on a website’s server speed, java scripts, CSS and some other internal factors. One can not fix all these issues at once and thy must fix them one by one.

One can get faster page load ensuring better web server (hosting). You can get better server performance on different VPS or cloud-based web hosting. Web hosting service providers like DigitalOcean, Hostgator, Godaddy are good. I am using DigitalOcean and getting faster page load speed.

best wordPress cache plugin


Our main target is to get visitors on our website and SEO is the best way to get visitors. SEO is a combination of all your content, perfect marketing strategy, using social media optimization, link building, and using a good web hosting that ensures 99% uptime. Recently Google announced that they are giving priority on faster page load time for search engine ranking. They are considering pages to rank higher that loads between 1-3 second and since then faster page load speed became a great factor for SEO.

I don’t know how much do you care about your website’s page load speed but you have to care it for your visitors. No anyone likes a slow loading website hence it loses lots of users. So, change your web development strategy and increase your website’s page load speed.You might not notice your site’s page load speed before but you must care them from now. You can check your website’s page load speed from PINGDOM or GTmetrix.

Checked your site? Does it take more than 3 or 4 seconds to load your site? Then it’s a big concern. You must increase your website’s page load speed. So what would you do now? Thinking to transfer your site to a faster web hosting service provider to get faster page load speed?

Do you have any idea what are you thinking about?

As I told before, hosting provider’s server’s uptime is one of the big factors for SEO. You will break your SEO if you change your hosting right now. While changing your hosting service provider you have to point your domain’s DNS to your hosting. It might take up to 24 hours to update DNS of your domain. While updating your domain’s DNS your total website will be offline and in the meantime, if Google bot sees your site is offline then you know what will happen. You will lose lots of visitors as well as the total/partial search engine ranking of your website.

Don’t worry there are some alternatives. Instead of changing hosting you can add some extra features and get a faster page load speed. Primarily, you can increase your website’s page load speed by adding WorPress cache plugin and CDN Network. Then you can go with advanced stages like CSS, HTML, JSS minification. In this Content, I will discuss on few best WordPress cache plugin for faster page load speed to go high in search engine ranking.

Maybe you are new to developing or not. But you might hear about cache memory on a computer processor. Cache memory is basically used in computer’s CPU. Cache memory is a kind of auxiliary memory by which a CPU can perform much more than normal speed. By caching something you can get much more speed than regular.

Yes, you can use this caching technology on your WordPress website hence get faster page load speed. Caching not only speeds up your website’s load time but also reduces bandwidth use, decreases server load and eventually helps you by reducing your hosting bill.

What is Cache and how does a WordPress cache plugin work?

The term cache refers to a method by which high-speed can be retrieved from a temporary storage. When someone browses your website’s homepage, then a copy of your website’s homepage is stored in a temporary storage. When another one requests to see your homepage then it shows you the saved version and reduces the page load time. WordPress cache plugin helps to store all your page’s file in a temporary storage. And serves user’s request form cached page which reduces page load speed and you get a faster WordPdress site.

Wp site with a WordPress Cache Plugin:

Enabling a cache plugin is a good decision. Because cache plugin helps to store a copy of your website’s pages on your hosting server. When someone requests to see something from your website, your server shows them the saved copy of that page.

Wp site without WordPress Cache Plugin:

Reading the previous section of this content you have understood that it won’t be possible to store any version of your homepage or another page without activating WordPress cache plugin. So, your server has to deliver a completely fresh and new copy of your homepage with all its images, widgets, and CSS files. Which will be time-consuming and as a result, your website’s page load time will be increased (slow page).

Analogy of a WordPress site with and without a WordPress cache Plugin

Sazzad and Nazrul are two brothers; they live in the same room with their parents. Sazzad wants to have a glass of water; he must leave his living room, grab a jug, pull water from the water tap, and come back to the room and then drink. What happens, if Sazzad’s brother Nazrul just pulled water from that tap with the same jug and brought back to their room, Sazzad could easily grab the jug, fill his glass with water and then drink. By doing this Sazzad has saved some of his times and energy.

Like this, cached page or cached website is a copied version of your website. When a user requests for a page; for server’s it takes much more time to generate original version ( need to go through CSS, HTML, JS, PHP, Images, Databases) than an identically copied version from the cache memory.

After reading above I can confidently say that you will start to use a cache plugin.

7 Best WordPress Cache Plugin for all types of Websites.

Cache is an important part of your website’s SEO and you can use a WordPress cache plugin to get a faster page load speed on your WordPress site. I have already discussed on the cache and its importance. There are lots of WordPress cache plugin on the internet by which you can setup cache for your website and get a faster page load speed.

For my website’s need, I have tested few WordPress cache plugin and I will show you with the result here and then you can choose the best WordPress cache plugin for your WordPress website. While running the test I was using DigitalOcean’s 512MB Ram, 20GB SSD based cloud server integrated with CloudFlare‘s free CDN. Instead of Yoast Seo plugin, there were no plugins installed on my website while running the test. My hand coded CSS are too much messy, this is why my site speed showed quite slow. I used two tools to test my website’s page load speed. One is GTmatrix and another one is Pingdom.

Each time before testing my site’s speed I purged everything from CloudFlare’s caches.

According to GTmatrix’s report, my website’s Page load speed was

best wordpress cache plugin

According to Pingdom’s report, my website’s Page load speed was

best wordpress cache plugin

W3 Total Cache

W3 total cache is a very popular name in the WordPress cache plugin market. It’s been a popular plugin for WordPress cache. Maybe it does not provide a user-friendly interface but gives an effective result on its duty. Its configuration is quite like clumsy but properly configured functions can give you a super-fast website. You can set up this WordPress cache plugin properly by reading the setup instruction given by the developer. I am using this WordPress cache plugin and getting an ultra-fast page load speed.

best wordpress cache plugin

A Closer look to W3 Total Cache

  • Mashable like large websites can rely on this Cache Plugin.
  • Can be accessible from almost all kinds of web hosting.
  • Offers, caching in the memory and disk.
  • Cache system for Mobile Devices is great.
  • You can use this cache plugin with any CDN provider.

I used W3 Total Cache and here is the speed and enhancements report By

best wordpress cache plugin


best wordpress cache plugin

Are you a pro? I mean advanced in WordPress? If so then this is the right cache plugin for you. Because it can give you a superb caching support if you configure it correctly. You can minify all your website’s JSS, JS files with the w3 total cache plugin. In the first time, newbies may have troublesome experience with this cache plugin.


WP Super Cache

WP super cache is also a well-known WordPress cache plugin in the industry. I used this cache plugin earlier. It helped me a lot. I stopped using this WordPress cache plugin for having some extra functionalities like JSS, JS minify. Although wp super cache does not allow some third-party plugins, it is very good for new users.

wp super cache best wordPress cache plugin

A Closer Look at WP Super Cache

  • Good for static HTML files.
  • Supports CDN integration also.
  • Don’t support disk stored cache.
  • Uses three layers functioning find most recent cached version.

Let’s see how it helps to get faster page load speed in WordPress.
Report By Gtmetrix

gtmetrix report for wp super cache plugin best wordPress cache plugin

Report By Pingdom

pingdom wp super cache plugin best wordPress cache plugin


WP super cache may perform well on those websites where less plugins are installed. User-friendly interface with powerful caching ability super-charged this WordPress cache plugin. Don’t wait just install it on your site and give your users a faster page load speed.


Comet Cache

In the cache plugin market, Comet Cache is known as the queen of simplicity. The name Comet Cache originated from Zen Cache. That means Comet Cache was previously known as Zen Cache. Its simple layout design has made stand it out to the game of WordPress cache plugin. You can observe its simplicity only after testing other cache plugins in the industry. Most of the cache plugin make users confused with different settings where Comet Cache gives you the feel of user-friendly use.

comet cache best wordPress cache plugin

A Closer Look at Comet Cache

  • You can set the caching options for different categories, XML sitemap, and even pages manually.
  • You can setup different expiration times for different cached pages.
  • It also caches some different area that other cache plugins do not do. Atom Feeds, RSS feed, RDF feeds, 404 error pages are also cached by this Come Cache Plugin.
  • It has a huge documentation about the installation of comet cache. The documentation is enough to guide you to setup caching option properly.

Here is comet cache’s effectiveness

gtmetrix report for comet cache best wordPress cache plugin


best wordpress cache best wordPress cache plugin

Love simplicity? Then, comet cache is the right choice for you. This WordPress cache plugin removes all the complexities of setting up a WordPress cache plugin like the w3 total cache. It may be a substitute of w3 total cache as it has all the facilities like the w3 total cache in the form of simplicity.

WP Fastest Cache

Yet now in my WordPress journey wp fastest cache is one of the best cache plugins. When lots of users come to a page then it becomes harder to serve all the users with the live version of the page. WP Fastest Cache then makes HTML static cached files from any kind of PHP, CSS, JS, JSS based dynamic website and flawlessly serves to website’s users. More than 200,000 website owners are currently using this cache plugin now.

wp fastest cache best wordPress cache plugin

A Closer Look at WP Fastest Caching

  • The most reliable method used in this WordPress cache plugin is Mod_Rewrite which is the fastest method for caching.
  • You can setup to cache specific pages on your website. Also, you can stop caching for specific pages.
  • Website owners can set specific cache expiration time for specific pages.
  • Supports content delivery networking system(CDN)
  • SSL support has made this cache plugin stand out.

How faster it makes your page load and performance speed? See the report below


gtmetrix report for wp fastest cache best wordPress cache plugin


pd wp fastest cache cache best wordPress cache plugin

Like other WordPress cache plugin, it can also minify HTML and CSS files and improves page loading speed. Wp faster cache plugin has used some advanced caching technology (Gzip Compression, Combining CSS files, leverage browser caching etc). Almost all the settings in wp fastest caching are ready for use. Most of the recommended settings on this WordPress cache plugin are checked off by default. So, you do no need to spend much time on setting up your own cache plugin. I recommend this WordPress cache plugin to them who don’t like wasting times on initial setup.


Cache Enabler- WordPress Caches

Using more Plugin makes WordPress sites slow. Keeping this ideology in mind KEYCDN has created this lightweight WordPress cache plugin. It creates a whole copy of your website and serves a static HTML page to visitors. Users request to see any resources; do not need to go through complex PHP coded databases, cores, plugins. Instead, requests are served with copied static HTML pages. So the total process becomes easier and hence your website becomes faster.

cache enabler cache best wordPress cache plugin

A Closer Look at Cache Enabler- WordPress Caches

  • Supports WP Multisite.
  • HTML and inline JavaScript minification is another good feature.
  • Fast disk caching engine ensures faster page load.
  • You can purge cached pages both manually or automatically.
  • Works better with Autoptimize plugin.
  • Supports gzip level 9 too.
  • Can make responsive images of your site too.

Gtmetrix Report
gtmetrix report for cache enabler best wordPress cache plugin

Pingdom Report

pingdom report for cache enabler best wordPress cache plugin

An Image speaks more than a thousand words. Cach enabler creates responsive copies of your images and delivers WebP images to users. Big sized images could be a common reason to a slower website. Therefore, if you are an owner of sites that deals with images (ex. magazines) then cache enabler WordPress cache plugin might be a good fit for your website.


Hyper Cache

Low utilization of server assets is a plus point for any WordPress cache plugin. Hyper Cache was coded as to utilize small amount server resources. It works well on well PHP coded WordPress themes. Almost all the theme supports hyper cache plugin for faster page load speed.

hyper cache best wordPress cache plugin

A Closer Look at Hyper Cache

  • Like others it supports CDN.
  • Has full control over cleaning cached files. Automatic cache cleaning is one of the attractive options.
  • Coded to work on mobile devices too.
  • It has an extra feature of checking response header signature.
  • Can be integrated with bbPress.
  • Other options.

Its powerful enhancements for faster page load speed are shown below

gtmetrix report for hyper cache best wordPress cache plugin


pingdom report for hyper cache best wordPress cache plugin

Hyper cache is another WordPress cache plugin that has some exclusive features for websites that receive lots of comments every day. Hyper cache could be the best WordPress cache plugin for them who run a comment based site. I guarantee news owners will find it very useful.


Wp Rocket

Premium is always premium that you will never get for free. I am writing about wp rocket as it gives you a great caching performance to give you a faster page load speed. To get it you will have to count $39 for a single site per month and $199 for unlimited sites. It also offers 3 websites for $199 for one month. The most effective thing is that you are getting 24 x 7 customer supports for any problem. And you will be notified with the solution if any problem arise.

wp rocket cache best wordPress cache plugin

A Closer Look at Wp Rocket

  • Supports GZIP compression system.
  • Like other CDN support is another feature.
  • You can use this cache plugin on your multiple sites.
  • Can optimize Google fonts for your pages.
  • Cache pre-loading gives you faster page load speed.
  • A quick and simple setup gives you the feel of premium.

Being a Premium WordPres Cache Plugin I am not able to use and review it.

Wp Rocket gives you a top-notch customer care service with their dedicated email support for 24 hours. You can ask and share for help or bug fixing to the customer care helpline. This is the main benefit for what you should use wp rocket on your WordPress website.

Summary of best WordPress cache plugin

Yeah, we have reached at the end of this content. I have tried to share you with few best WordPress cache plugin for faster page load speed. After seeing the report you can easily determine which one is best for you. However, all the WordPress cache plugin shown above are good enough to give you a faster page load speed.

A WordPress cache plugin helps you to speed up your WordPress site but it doesn’t mean that you are getting the maximum page speed with WordPress cache plugin. You have to maintain some other technical issues like CSS minification, HTML minification for a faster page load speed.

I guess after reading this article you have understood which WordPress cache plugin to use for faster page load speed to get search engine ranking. All my hard work regarding best WordPress cache plugin will be successful if you find this content helpful and share to your colleagues. Is this content helpful? I would like to hear you on the comment box.

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