Things that you need to know before starting a blog

In my previous article, I described in detail about Freelancing and Blogging. I do welcome all of you who have come to this post from Google search or from my previous post. And congratulate them who has taken the right decision of starting a blog from my past article.

Before we go we need to know what a blog is actually. A blog is such a platform where a blogger shares his personal thinking or review on a specific topic which is published on World Wide Web. Visitors read his article and shares their opinion or thinking on a comment box.

First of all, you must select the topic in which will you be able to write well. Think and find the best topic of your blog. You should be able to write informative and interesting contents on your selected topic. While selecting your topic don’t focus on money just focus on your interest. Because your contents will be best only when you select the topic you like most.

Before starting a blog you should have a minimal concept on how does a blog get published on World Wide Web. At this moment, just remember that before starting a blog you have to select a domain and hosting. Your blog could be hosted or non-hosted. That means you can go either starting a blog with free of cost (hosted) or can buy a domain and hosting separately (recommended). If you don’t have any idea on how to buy a domain and hosting then see this content on how to buy a domain and hosting.  If you want to start a blog free of cost then read this content on How to start a blog for free.

After selecting your preferred domain and hosting it’s time to choose the platform of your website or blog. In this case, I will recommend all of you to select WordPress as your blog/website’s platform. Starting a blog with WordPress is a great idea. Because there are thousands of WordPress themes on different theme provider’s store. You can get them at a nominal cost and get tons of premium services from your themes. There are lots of free themes also which can be found on the internet.

Now it’s time to install/setup WordPress on your hosting and point your domain name to DNS server. Don’t be afraid, all the steps regarding WordPress Installation and DNS are very simple and easy. You can learn how to install WordPress  and pointing domain names to a DNS server.

Assuming that you have installed your website in WordPress and it is live. Now, the most important part of your blog or website is SEO. WordPress themes are SEO friendly which helps your blog to be indexed by Google bot easily. Thus your website ranks higher on the search result and you get lots of visitors from the search result.

Starting a blog is a very simple and easy process if you want to get any help regarding this post then post a comment below. And don’t forget to share this content to help others like you.



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