Google Index: Why Google Isn’t Indexing My Website ?

Being an owner of a new website or blog the first thing you probably want to happen is people find your blog quickly. The most basic way to find this in today’s world is to search. But it is not so simple as it seems. You will have to wait for google to index your website or blog to Google’s cache to be discovered your website by internet users.

Now the question on stand is:

What is the most convenient way in which you can ensure this happens as quickly as it can?

Despite the fact that Google indexes web pages around billions and is constantly on duty to increase the number of pages it includes, it doesn’t guarantee the users that it’ll crawl all of the pages of a specific site. It doesn’t crawl every page a website contains, and does not index all the pages it crawls. It’s actually perfectly normal for every page of a website to not be indexed.

google index

But before getting started on further discussion, let us go through some basics on the fundamental procedures and even some short tips to get a Googlebot to index or crawl through your site, shall we?

What is Googlebot and What is Crawling?

A Googlebot is basically a search bot software that Google sends out as a messenger in order to gather information about every single document there has been on the web to add the most eligible one’s to Google’s searchable index. Therefore the Googlebot searches from one website to another, finding new and updated documents to report back to Google and this process is named crawling. The Googlebot does this by using links it was ordered to use.

What is Google Indexing?

Once the Googlebot is finished with crawling, the information it has gathered, are processed, and this process is called indexing. Then the quality contents are updated on google’s searchable index. During this process, the bot remembers the words and for the particular sites, the words are originated from. ALTs and title tags are not ignored during this process. The Googlebot browses web pages which were crawled before and detects links on those pages which are to be indexed.

Indexing and crawling are time-consuming and many factor-based processes. Generally, no commitments are made like particular URLs from one site will definitely be indexed and crawled within a short time. Another important thing is to check that the site has both www and non-www version of the domain. A sitemap file may help net users learn about the site, but that does not necessarily make a platform for indexing for it.

Reasons behind not getting indexed by Googlebot

The most common and general reason for not being indexed is the newness of a site. If a website or blog is just created then one has to be remotely patient for it to be indexed and ask google for the process.

Firstly, multiple links consuming websites are hard to found by google bots.

Secondly, maybe the website is designed in such a way that it makes indexing or crawling very problematic. It may even be unknowingly blocking crawling or indexing.

Thirdly, the website may have been temporarily unavailable right at the time of crawling which made it impossible to index it. In that case, the notice of a crawl error will be consoled at the website later.

Fourthly, it is very normal, that if the website does not comply with website guidelines or is hacked openly, then it will not be indexed for sure.

Fifthly, the issues of contents and ownerships must be kept cleared and detailed, so that no confusion has the chance to occur. Repeated domain names may cause issues.

Lastly, if your website recently moved to a new address, then you must follow the guidelines of moving it, otherwise, it may not be indexed on the new address.

Find and fix Indexation Related Problems

Indexation problems are serious issues. If your site is not recorded, crawled or indexed by google, then your site will never be discovered by anyone on the internet. Scary, isn’t it? And even more scary, no one will ever find any of your contents in the relevant search results.

To avoid this nightmare, you will be needing to give checkups to confirm if your site is indexed or not. For this process, SEO QUAKE PLUGIN can be used to cut out the listed URLs indexed by google. Search Console (Google Webmaster Tools) dashboard should be another compulsory thing you will have to check immediately if google has issues indexing your site.

Also, check articles below

  1. 16 Best Google AdSense Alternatives for 2017.
  2. 7 Best WordPress Cache Plugin for all types of Website.
  3. Best SEO practices: An Ultimate guide for Beginners.
  4. How to get faster page load speed in WordPress.
  5. Few SEO Plugins that helps to bring Your Site Higher in Search result.

Crawling errors are the death of google indexing. This unavoidable problem can be caused by literally severe minor factors. They will be briefly named and discussed below.

  1.   Robots.txt are the basic of your site. If it somehow represents ‘User-agent: * Disallow: /’ then it is orderly telling every crawler to take a hike and NOT to index your site in google. Yes, this happens and you don’t even get to know this.
  2.   A practically deformed htaccess will make the Googlebot’s take an infinite loop and never come back and discover your site to index it.
  3.    these meta tags should be removed immediately if one of your sites has these and is not being indexed or crawled.
  4.   If you do not have enough page rank, your site will most probably not be indexed.
  5.   When the crawlers come through, and if they find your host doing a maintenance, they will not checklist your site for an index.
  6. You can also Submit each page/content of your website to google Manually.

In spite of being the biggest search engine of the world, Google can’t guarantee every page appearing in its index simultaneously. But they do offer guidelines for making your website a google-friendly one. So stop blaming them from now on that you know the obvious reasons.


Do not get too much depressed about indexation. If you are having issues indexing your sites. Google Basics My site isn’t doing well in search, Google-friendly sitesGoogle’s Webmaster GuidelinesAdding a site to Google– are some pages that will always be there to help you  with.


Tags: why isn’t google indexing all my pages, google stopped indexing my site, google not indexing sitemap, google sitemap submitted but not indexed, GWT account, what is site indexing, google’s major revenue stream is, difference between submitted and indexed

3 thoughts on “Google Index: Why Google Isn’t Indexing My Website ?”

  1. Fotograf Nunta

    Thank you maaaan! Don’t know how did I came here but I think I have landed on the right page. Let’s apply your method and see what happens.

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