Write For US

Giving shape to a thought is not an easy process, especially in the blogging world it is really a difficult and long-term task to establish a reputed website. We have spent a lot of efforts to build this site for more than four years and brought to a decent level of getting 100k visitors per month.

Most of you may have better thoughts but no time to pen down your thoughts on a website due to time and investment required for maintaining a blog. If you have a simple idea and wanted to contribute to the bloggers and webmasters community, here is an opportunity. Prepare and submit your article and we will review and publish on this site for the benefit of all.

Submit Blog Post

Guidelines for Guest Post Submission

In order to maintain the scope and quality of this website, we request authors to understand and follow the below guidelines before submitting the article:

 Submit articles covering one of the below categories:

–  Site building on WordPress covering tips and tricks, plugins, themes and how to tutorial.

–  Site building on Weebly covering tips and tricks, widgets and tutorial.

–  Search Engine Optimization

–  Make money online with website

–  General Blogging Tips

 We do not accept any other categories at this point in time to keep the site within a certain scope.

 Use your original wordings with quality content and do not submit the articles already published on this or any other website.

 We need minimum one image to be used as a featured image for the blog post. Let us know if you do not have resources to create your own image.

 The article should be submitted in a simple word document along with images and videos separately attached in the form below.

 Once the article is submitted, we will review and let the author know about the publishing status.

 The review process is manual hence it may take up to a month time, so we request not to submit the same article on some other site during this time.

 Approved articles will be published as a blog post under “Guest Post” category with your name as author name.

 Once the approved authors gain sufficient reputation, he or she can contribute directly by logging into the site’s dashboard as an editor or contributor.

 In case if the article is rejected, we will confirm the status and never use the content of the article.

 We reserve all rights to modify the content and make the formatting of the article suitable for this site.

Adding Credits and Backlinks

It is a good habit to give respect to other’s work if your article is based on someone’s work or you are quoting a content from others – please provide the source links at the end of the article as references. At the same time avoid completely copying and submitting someone’s article or sending your own article published on any other site.

 The purpose of accepting guest post on this site to provide a platform for beginners and not for the purpose of backlinking.

 Any article submitted with irrelevant links pointing to unknown sites will be rejected without further review.

 All links on the guest post will be NOFOLLOW to make sure the article is focusing on the subject instead of back linking.

Author Details

It is necessary for us to understand the details about the author and his / her previous work.

 Mention in few lines about what exactly you are doing. You can be a college student or a mom – be truthful and mention it clearly.

 Ensure you have a Gravatar attached to your email so that the profile picture will appear in the author bio box.

 The article will be published under “Editorial Staff” id when the author does not want to show his / her details on author bio section. We do not accept articles from SEO companies and site owners, submitting modified content with a link back to a third party site.

We offer guest article posting fully on free of cost basis which means neither we pay for guest posting nor we accept payments for posting.

Rejection and Correction

All the submitted articles will be adjusted to fit the formatting and look (headlines, font, colors, etc.) of this site. If necessary we reserve complete rights to modify the content of the article at any point in time. In most such scenarios, we will communicate to the author to align accordingly. After the publication of the article, if we find the same article is republished on some other site then we will simply delete the article without any further communication to the author.

Submitting Article

Use the below form and submit your article only in .docx format (though .pages are also allowed) and attach the images and videos separately.

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